proudly remains in the frontlines against abstruse undertakings

Specialised and Organised Eviction and Relocations Solutions

The SO99 have specialised Security Services, Equipment and personnel that are able to effectively combat the matter of illegal land invasions. With Extensive experience built over the years we have assisted many clients in dealing with this issue. The Team are well informed on the procedure that needs to be followed to correctly evict people occupying land illegally whilst working jointly with local law enforcement agencies and under law sheriffs.

SO99 insists on working closely with the Sheriff to ensure the evictions are performed lawfully & with respect.

Illegal Land Invasions

Many areas in South Africa are experiencing an increase in illegal land invasions. The trend to illegally occupy vast tracks of land and or Buildings has become organized and efficient. All levels of Government have experienced challenges in dealing with illegal land invasion be it Municipal, Provincial or National Departments as well as invasion and privately owned land.

These organized illegal land invasions have had a negative financial impact on both Provincial Government, Local Municipalities and Private land-owners. This has inevitably led to undue pressure on their infrastructure and has hindered progress on their housing programs.